Sunday, May 8, 2011

"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother."
-Abe Lincoln


Friday, May 6, 2011

 had fun at the aquarium with nancy and elliot


 i planted daffodil bulbs last fall and they actually bloomed this spring.  very exciting for me

meeting daddy for lunch at his new job.  i dont mind at all his office building is at the gateway mall

a fast january catch up

 hiking with some friends.  Ryker finished a more than 4 mile hike!

 a little lunch with bestest buds Isaac and Sabrina

 still workin on that potty training stuff

 hiking with daddy

 beautiful snow canyon hike(click to see)

 more hiking with our friends lydia and katie and sabrina

Merry Christmas

 christmas morning chaos

 not so sure about santa..kinda likes him from a distance

 kitchen sink baths are the best

 ryker loved playing with all the nativity sets

 yummy christmas sugar cookies

 gourmet christmas eve dinner...crab legs, shrimp, twice baked potatoes and some other things. 

 sister pj picture tradition

merry christmas!!!  its only 4 months late

a few random things to catch me up to christmas

 a little jazz game over thanksgiving

just a cute sleepy ryker pic

 We like to build lots of forts with furniture and blankets

 lots of projects get done

 did lots of snuggling by the fire this winter

 my grandpa came to visit.  we had fun. ryker thinks he is pretty cool

 we are thinking about this potty training business....or not

 had a fun thanksgiving with lots of cousins